Month: December 1994

Genuine Repentance

What is repentance? And how do we know when it is genuine?

Life Words

Words of encouragement can be “life words,” bringing new motivation to our lives. Mark Twain said that he could live for a whole month on one good compliment!

Proper Priorities

In his classic spiritual allegory Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan paints a word picture of a man “who looked no way but downward.”

Happy Inside

My 6-year-old son Steven and I were sitting beside his bed reading a book one evening when he suddenly whispered in my ear, “I want to know how to be a Christian.”

Courage To Stand Alone

It was a morally dark night in Babylon. Darker than your workplace, school, or community. King Belshazzar had willfully blasphemed God by desecrating the sacred goblets looted from the temple in Jerusalem. Now Babylon and Belshazzar were about to face God’s judgment.

Tall Trees, Deep Roots

My son Mark and I were digging out the stump of an old tree in his front yard. The tree had been only 5 inches in diameter, so we didn’t think the task would be difficult.

A Deadly Pet

It was a shocking tragedy. A 15-year-old boy was strangled by the family’s pet. The slender youth had gone to an upstairs bedroom to play with an 11-foot Burmese python. Nobody is sure how it happened, but the supposedly tame snake turned into a killer that took the boy’s life.

Slippery Places

The 19th-century hymnwriter Ira D. Sankey was walking with his young son on a cold winter day. As they came to an icy spot, Mr. Sankey said, “My boy, you’d better let me take your hand.”

Preparing For Heaven

Some people openly declare that they don’t want to go to heaven. I’ve had people tell me that they would rather be with their drinking buddies in hell than with the church-going crowd in heaven.